v2.13 is a major release including a series of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Users can now engage in Zoom meetings on BRICKS! If you wish to learn more about some highlights of the update, feel free to check out the following changelogs: Zoom Meeting, Property Calculation - Script, and JSON Editor, or shoot us a message via Sleekplan and we will get back to you soon! 😊
Multi-selection now available
Copying & pasting objects now available
Workspace management UI improved
New option to create a new application with a sample slideshow
New option to remove a brick on a canvas without removing it from the application
Improved device screenshot
Added an alert for moving a device (bound with an application) to another workspace
Added an error stack for exception alerts
Added extensions for preload items
Added extensions for media flow files
New option to log in users with passcodes on BRICKS controller
Let users decide whether to update configurations on devices automatically when the application is saved
Device: implemented preload settings for devices when failing to download assets
Device: new option to bind a device to an application (or create a new application) on the device
Device: support handling dimension changes on Android devices
Device: implemented launcher advanced settings
Preview: support font family on web preview
Config Editor: let users decide whether to show deprecated features
Config Editor: highlight the save button if there is unsaved change(s)
Video: can be muted based on the browser's settings
Media: uploading allowed in the select media assets panel
Slideshow: removed option: "none" in the photo resize mode
MQTT: reconnect when the network recovers, if autoReconnent is set to true
HTTP: support XML parsing
GraphQL: updated firebase import version
Fixed issues with dragging rotated bricks
Fixed the device alert's time range issues
Fixed clear timeout issues when exitting canvases
MQTT: return error if the subscription topic is not provided
MQTT: return error on falsy topic or message
MQTT: ensure the uri matches known protocols
MQTT: get the connection status on error and retry connection when disconnected
MQTT: removed CDN script
MQTT: fixed ref count issues
Video: fixed video repeating issues
Slideshow: fixed video state changing issues when video ends
Camera: fixed ratio and overflow issues
Device: fixed the last update time issue in device info
Simply press the EDIT button and you will be able to edit values on our newly launched JSON PREVIEWER!
For those who are familiar with the JSON structure, the previewer/ editor will give you a better sense of what your object/ array input structures are like in JSON format.
You can find this feature in the editor of property bank values, brick properties, generator properties, and more. Most of the JSON previewer are editable (editable if the property is defined with a tree structure).
However, there are circumstances that the previewer is not editable. This is for protecting data structures which were being rigorously defined, otherwise the system may crash when the data structure is broken.
*Toggle to open the JSON previewer:
*An example from generator http - request body editor:
*An example from property bank - array of objects editor:
*A message will be displayed saying this JSON structure is uneditable:
The script editor can be found in Property Calculation - Script. Users can now write Javascript code on the script editor. The supported global libraries are: invariant, bytes, ms, qs, url, nanoid, md5, json5, lodash and _ , mathjs and math, voca, moment, chroma, and kjurJWS (KJUR.jws.JWS from jsrsasign).
Unlike writing code with sandbox, the script editor provides a more intuitive interface for developers that are familiar with Script. It also offers an easier and more straightforward approach to write and execute commands on Property Calculation maps.
The pictures below provide a simple illustration of using the script editor.
*You can assign property bank values to inputs and assign output values to other property banks:
*A debug console is provided inside the script editor to enable faster and easier troubleshooting!
*The code structure of the example illustrated above:
*The picture below is the illustration of building the same process with a property calculation map. Note how easier and faster building the process becomes with the script editor, comparing to building the process with the original property calculation map:
*Another example of performing arithmetic calculations with the script editor:
Imagine that your display screen application has a real-time conference feature that you can meet with users instantly and remotely... We are proud to present our new feature: joining Zoom meetings on BRICKS applications!
Firstly, you will have to head over to zoom marketplace to set up your SDK. Once you have your client key and client secret, you can fill these values in the corresponding properties in GENERATOR_ZOOM_MEETING. Afterwards, you will have to add a BRICK_ZOOM_MEETING_VIDEO to be able to show the Zoom meeting interface on your BRICKS application.
And finally, don't forget to initialize the Zoom meeting generator in system's actions:
After you have added all the necessary components, it is the time to host a meeting on your personal device and join the meeting on your BRICKS launcher!
*On the BRICKS launcher that joins the meeting:
*On your personal device that hosts the meeting:
Note that we are currently unable to provide some Zoom functionalities such as hosting a Zoom meeting directly on BRICKS.
v2.12 includes some new features such as Text Input and Serial Port. We have also worked on quite a lot of the existing features to make them easier to use and error free. If you wish to learn more about the update, feel free to shoot us a message via Sleekplan and we will get back to you soon! 😊
v2.11 incorporates a tutorial that can be found on the config editor, so you can reference to our documentation more easily! We have also developed some new features including Camera, Preview, Webview, and MQTT. If you wish to learn more about the update, feel free to shoot us a message via Sleekplan and we will get back to you soon! 😊